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Cardiac Imaging in Clinical Practice


Cardiac Imaging in Clinical Practice
mit Online-Daten

251 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2016
157 Abbildungen

  • A pocketbook covering all most commonly used modalities
  • Quick reference for both novice and experienced physicians
  • Quick reference for both cardiologists and non-cardiologists
This book includes the basics of Cardiac CT and MRI as a comprehensive pocketbook, also containing tables of normal/abnormal values (including the ones for differentiation of severity of multiple conditions). With the advancement of technology Cardiac CT and MRI are becoming more popular, though often limited to larger medical centers. Also present are guidelines that will be very useful for students, residents, fellows and attending.

This book will provide information and be useful at multiple levels of training so that it can be both used as a basic and advanced quick reference source which could be used throughout many years of training and practice. Many medical professionals outside of cardiology do not have enough exposure to nuclear stress tests and it is therefore important to include SPECT and stress test protocols in order to make it easier for people to make a decision about ordering tests as well as interpreting the results them.

Table of Contents
  • Echocardiography-Physics basics
  • Views
  • Chamber quantification
  • Valves: AS, AR, MS, MR, TS, TR, PS, PR subchapters
  • Artificial valves basics, AS, AR, MS, MR, TS, TR, PS, PR
  • Diastology
  • Pericardial disease
  • Cardiac Masses
  • Non-invasive catheterization
  • Basic cardiac anomalies
  • Ischemic heart disease
  • CHF
  • Cardiomyopathies
  • Systemic diseases
  • Aortic disease
  • Basics of bubble and contrast studies
  • SPECT-Basics of SPECT Radioisotopes
  • Ischemia work up
  • Viability work up
  • CT- Technique
  • Indications
  • Sample images
  • MRI-Basic technique
  • Indications
  • Function, Viability
  • Masses, CMP, scar, amyloid, HCM images
  • Pericardium: inflammation, constriction vs. restriction

€ 53,49
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Preis: € 53,49