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Surgical Techniques for Asian Rhinoplasty

KIM / PARK --- Neuerscheinung!!


Surgical Techniques for Asian Rhinoplasty
A Practical Reference

ca. 350 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2025
ca. 1500 Abbildungen

  • Describes and illustrates proven surgical techniques for rhinoplasty in Asian patients
  • Covers treatment of the full range of frequently encountered nasal deformities
  • Explains the implications of nasal anatomy for surgery
  • Includes access to videos documenting actual operations
This practical book describes in detail surgical methods that yield excellent results when performing rhinoplasty in Asian patients.

The coverage encompasses the full range of frequently encountered nasal deformities and the procedures employed in their correction. Precise descriptions of surgical techniques are complemented by a wealth of pre-, intra-, and postoperative illustrations as well as videos documenting actual operations. Attention is drawn to surgical pearls and pitfalls, and full guidance is also provided on patient preparation, anesthesia, and postoperative management. Rhinoplasty is a challenging procedure, and surgeons who treat Asian patients must take into account the fact that, compared with Caucasians, they have smaller noses, weaker cartilage, and thicker skin. Moreover, cultural differences and variations in aesthetic standards need to be respected.

The book clearly explains the nasal anatomy for Asian rhinoplasty and its implications for surgical technique. It will serve as an ideal, easy-to-use reference for all surgeons who perform rhinoplasty in Asians, regardless of their level of expertise.

Table of Contents
  • 1. Considerations for Asian Rhinoplasty
  • 2. Anatomy for Asian rhinoplasty
  • 3. Preoperative management and anesthesia
  • 4. Various materials for rhinoplasty
  • 5. Nasal dorsal augmentation
  • 6. Hump nose correction
  • 7. Various suture techniques for nasal tip plasty
  • 8. Understanding of nasal tip tripos and TES
  • 9. Bulbous tip correction
  • 10. Effective SEG for Asian rhinoplasty
  • 11. Various surgical procedures in the scale of upturned nose
  • 12. Various methods of alar retraction correction
  • 13. Deviated nose correction including camouflage concept
  • 14. Alar base surgery
  • 15. Postoperative management

ca. € 117,69
versandkostenfrei - Bestellen Sie jetzt, Erscheint voraussichtlich im Oktober 2025 Anzahl:
Preis: ca. € 117,69