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Frontal Sinus Surgery


Frontal Sinus Surgery

414 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2022
614 Abbildungen

Edited by renowned head and neck surgeons Christos Georgalas and Anshul Sama, this complete guide to frontal sinus surgery covers surgical anatomy, frontal specific pathology, surgical techniques, technical advancements, controversies, and expert opinions. It focuses on those starting in surgical practice, as well as surgeons that are well-established.

Surgery of the frontal sinus remains the most challenging aspect of sinus surgery. This book brings together some of the leading surgeons across the globe to provide the most up-to-date practice and knowledge but also varied and complementary perspectives. The book is organized in five sections: surgical anatomy, specific conditions of the frontal sinus, open surgical approaches, endoscopic surgical approaches and controversies.

Key Features
  • More than 650 full-color images and diagrams illustrating surgical concepts and demonstrating step-by-step techniques
  • Stepwise descriptions of surgical techniques with a tips and tricks section in each chapter draw from the authors’ personal surgical experience
  • Case presentations in each chapter illustrate key concepts and techniques
  • A truly global and balanced perspective with world-leading authors from all four continents and a variety of countries including the US, Australia, UK, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and Greece
  • Controversial topics analyzed from an evidence-based medicine (EBM) perspective
This is a must-have resource for otolaryngology–head and neck surgery residents, fellows, and specialists that may also benefit neurosurgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, plastic surgeons, and other clinicians that deal with this challenging and complex area.

This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy

Contents Overview
  • Section I Anatomy of the Frontal Sinus and Frontal Recess
  • Section II Endoscopic Surgical Approaches to Frontal Sinus Disease
  • Section III Open Surgical Approaches to Frontal Sinus Disease
  • Section IV Management of Specific Frontal Sinus Conditions
  • Section V Controversial Topics in Current Practice

€ 160,00
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Preis: € 160,00