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Practical 3D Echocardiography


Practical 3D Echocardiography
with online files

458 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2022
407 Abbildungen

  • Provides practical information on the effective use of 3D TEE, cardiac anatomy and pathology, and 3D imaging to guide catheter-based interventions
  • Assists readers to acquire and optimize 3D images
  • Presents the subject clearly and concisely to facilitate effective learning
This extensive clinically focused book is a detailed practical 3D echocardiography imaging reference that addresses the concerns and needs of both the novice and experienced 3D echocardiographer.

Chapters have been written in a highly instructive and practical disease- and problem-oriented approach supported by illustrative high-quality images (and corresponding 3D echo video clips where applicable) that demonstrate the incremental value of 3D echocardiography over 2D echocardiography in practice.

Practical 3D Echocardiography is an intuitive guide to 3D imaging – what to look for, how to look for it, the best and special views, caveats and pitfalls when applicable, and clinical pearls and pointers – that can be used in daily practice. It is therefore of immense value to any practicing or trainee echocardiographer, cardiologist and internist.

Table of Contents
  • 1: Imaging principles and acquisition modes
  • 2: Image optimization tools and image display
  • 3: 3DE Color Doppler acquisition and optimization and 3DE artifacts, caveats, and pitfalls
  • 4: 3DE Knobology: A practical guide to use of the available vendor platforms
  • 5: 3DE of Normal mitral valve: Image display and anatomic correlations
  • 6: 3DE Spectrum of mitral valve prolapse
  • 7: Rheumatic mitral valve diseases and mitral annular calcification: Role of 3DE
  • 8: Role of 3DE in assessment of functional mitral regurgitation
  • 9: Incremental value of 3DE over 2DE in assessment of mitral clefts and other congenital mitral valve diseases
  • 10: 3D color flow Doppler assessment of mitral regurgitation: Advantages over 2D color Doppler
  • 11: 3DE anatomy of normal aortic valve and root. Image display and anatomic correlations
  • 12: 3DE of the spectrum of native aortic valve and subvalvular diseases and pathological correlations
  • 13: Correlation of 3DE with CT and MRI in the diagnosis and assessment of valvular heart disease and new trends
  • 14: 3DE appearance of the different types of normal mechanical and biological valves
  • 15: 3DE assessment of the pathological spectrum of mitral prosthesis and sewing ring dysfunction: Incremental value over 2DE
  • 16: 3DE assessment of pathological spectrum of aortic prosthesis dysfunction: Incremental value over 2DE
  • 17: Native and Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis: Incremental value of 3DE over 2DE
  • 18: CT and MRI correlations with 3DE in assessment of prosthetic valves including new trends
  • 19: Normal 3DE anatomy of atrial septum: Image display and anatomical specimen correlations
  • 20: Atrial septal defects: 2DE vs 3DE and anatomic specimen
  • 21: CT and MRI correlations of atria and atrial septum
  • 22: How to acquire and calculate 3D LV and RV volumes and ejection fraction (three vendors)
  • 23: Is 3D better than 2D during stress echo?
  • 24: Congenital and acquired ventricular septal defects
  • 25: CT and MRI of ventricles and ventricular septum
  • 26: Role of 3DE in assessment of cardiac masses: incremental value over 2DE
  • 27: Atrial Interventions
  • 28: Ventricular interventions
  • 29: Edge-to-Edge mitral valve repair
  • 30: Periprosthetic leak repair
  • 31: Valve-in-valve/ring implantation
  • 32: The role of imaging techniques in electrophysiologic procedures
  • 33: The Role of CT and MRI in electrophysiologic procedures
  • 34: Novel percutaneous techniques for mitral and tricuspid valve repair
  • 35: Echo-navigation
  • 36: Evolving role of 3D printing in guiding interventional procedures

Günstige Softcover Ausgabe der 1. Auflage 2022 Hardcover statt 171,19 €

€ 128,39
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