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Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases

BEHRBOHM et al. --- Neuerscheinung!!

Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases

ca.600 Seiten, 4. Auflage, 2025
696 Abbildungen

A state-of-the-art resource on fundamental to advanced otolaryngology-head and neck surgery principles

Since publication of the last edition, the field of otolaryngology-head and neck surgery has seen rapid and progressive advances.

Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases: With Head and Neck Surgery, 4th Edition by Hans Behrbohm, Oliver Kaschke, Tadeus Nawka, and Andrew Swift reflects the current standard of scientific knowledge and scope of practice. For more than 30 years, readers have relied on this invaluable ENT resource for basic to advanced knowledge to facilitate diagnosis, treatment, and optimal outcomes.

The new edition features modern diagnostic and therapeutic principles and important innovations in the treatment of otolaryngology-related diseases derived from national and international guidelines. Organized by anatomy, nine chapters include discussions of relevant anatomical structures, physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms, methods of investigation, and a wide spectrum of diseases.

Key Highlights:
  • A reader-friendly overview of ENT diseases includes key connections and answers clinical questions objectively and comprehensively
  • Insightful new contributions by Professors Heidi Olze and Birgit Mazurek from the Charité
  • Additions includes a section on swallowing disorders in the esophagus chapter and the crucial topic of ENT practice in the COVID-19 era in Appendix B
  • Superb radiologic images, diagrams, photographs, figures, and illustrations play a significant role in understanding the text
Advanced medical students, specialist trainees, otolaryngology residents, and early-career practitioners will benefit from the scope and didactic content encompassed in this bestselling textbook and reference.

This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy

ca. € 120,00
versandkostenfrei - Bestellen Sie jetzt, Erscheint voraussichtlich im Mai 2025 Anzahl:
Preis: ca. € 120,00