- Retains the popular, original specimen-based chapter layout
- Extensive colour illustrations of macro specimens and microspecimens
- Includes illustrations of immunohistochemistry, molecular analyses and electron microscopy
Completely revised and updated, this book now outlines changing patterns in eye trauma, corneal surgery and glaucoma; developments in molecular genetics in uveal melanoma; and diagnostic techniques for intraocular lymphoma.
Information on new treatments for vascular disease in diabetic eye disease and wet age related macular degeneration is now included and the chapter on the orbit has many new additions. Recently identified causes of inflammation in the eye including drug reactions are described, as are the effects of topical therapies in basal cell carcinoma.
Well-illustrated and practically-oriented, this book has retained its general layout and style. The visual image remains key to explaining the pathological processes and this is facilitated by full color photography throughout the text. It helps both the pathologist and ophthalmologist understand the process that a specimen must go through prior to producing a report and how these various techniques help to refine the diagnosis.
The fourth edition of
Lee’s Ophthalmic Histopathology is an invaluable reference source for ophthalmic pathologists, general pathologists and ophthalmologists.
Table of Contents- Examination of the Globe: Technical Aspects.-
- The Traumatised Eye.-
- "Absolute Glaucoma".-
- Retinal Vascular Disease.-
- Intraocular Tumours.-
- Ocular Inflammation.- Treatment of Retinal Detachment.-
- The Malformed Eye.-
- Autopsy Eye: the Eye in Systemic Disease.-
- Biopsy of the Eyelid,
- the Lacrimal Sac, and the Temporal Artery.-
- The Conjunctival Biopsy.-
- The Orbit: Biopsy, Excision Biopsy, and Exenteration Specimens.-
- The Corneal Disc.-
- Lens.