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Plastic and Aesthetic Regenerative Surgery and Fat Grafting. Clinical Application and Operative Techniques


Plastic and Aesthetic Regenerative Surgery and Fat Grafting. Clinical Application and Operative Techniques
with online files

1714 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2022
1625 Abbildungen

  • Comprehensively addresses surgical methods for all parts of the body
  • Focuses on clinical techniques and practical application
  • Shares the knowledge and expertise of the most experienced surgeons in the world in their field
Readers will discover the relatively new and rapidly growing field of regenerative surgery and fat grafting, valuable for numerous plastic surgery, reconstructive, and aesthetic/cosmetic essentials.

Though many books have covered specific areas or topics in regenerative surgery, the market lacks a work that tackles the full spectrum of regenerative surgery and its clinical application. This book responds to that need and presents chapters written by the best: world-renowned surgeons in their field.

After an introduction that reflects basic research, most of the book focuses on clinical experience as it relates to applied techniques of processing fat and on the different uses from head to toe. Readers will learn about the history of regenerative surgery, important definitions and background information, and the evidence supporting the use of regenerative surgery. Practitioners will also find valuable guidance regarding the application of stem cells, evaluation of patient needs, and operative techniques for fat transfer.

Subsequent chapters address topics such as graft types, the skin, wound healing, scar treatment, osteoarthritis, burns, scleroderma, hair rejuvenation, facial enhancement combined with facelift, chin augmentation with fat, and breast argumentation or reconstruction with fat. Particular attention is paid to gluteal augmentation with fat, body contouring, genital male and female rejuvenation, and upper and lower extremity regenerative surgery. Surgical anatomy and complications treatment and prevention were emphasized when applied. This resulted is two volumes that encompass 125 chapters, with multiple figures, and video clips, written by 242 authors (including 72 female colleagues) from five continents.

Highly informative and carefully structured, this book provides invaluable insight for beginners and experienced plastic surgeons alike, while benefitting advanced surgeons, specialists, and undergraduate and graduate students.

Contents Overview
  • Introductory Part
  • Stem Cells and Clinical Path
  • Operative Techniques for Fat Grafting
  • Regenerative Surgery: Reconstructive Areas of Application
  • Regenerative Surgery: Aesthetic Areas of Application, Hair
  • Regenerative Surgery: Aesthetic Areas of Application, Skin
  • Regenerative Surgery Aesthetic and Reconstructive Areas of Application, Face
  • Breast Augmentation and Mastopexi with Fat
  • Breast Reconstruction with Fat
  • Gluteal Augmentation with Fat, Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) and Related Body Contouring
  • Genital Rejuvenation
  • Upper Extremity
  • Lower Extremity

Günstige Softcover Ausgabe der 1. Auflage 2021 Hardcover statt 320,99 €

€ 234,33
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Preis: € 234,33