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Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Hand: Loco-regional and Distant Flaps Selection and Approach


Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Hand: Loco-regional and Distant Flaps Selection and Approach

217 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2022
68 Abbildungen

  • Provides extensive information on the various loco-regional flap coverage possibilities
  • Includes a clear graphical description of a wide range of hand soft tissue defects
  • Presents clinical circumstances and findings to appropriate flap coverage options
This richly illustrated book provides a comprehensive review of the different surgical modalities for hand soft tissue reconstruction.

The indications for and relative merits of various techniques are described in detail, emphasizing the role of loco-regional flaps to avoid the need for advanced microsurgical skills needed for other advanced techniques. Numerous illustrations and case descriptions of the common scenarios provide a rich pictorial database of soft tissue coverage options.

This illustrative book will be of value in daily practice for plastic and reconstructive surgeons, residents, and medical students.

Contents Overview
  • Random Flaps
  • Finger tip Flaps: V-Y Advancement Flaps
  • Finger-Related Flaps
  • Thumb-Related Flaps
  • Pedicled Flaps: Regional Flaps
  • Pedicled Flaps: Distant Flaps

Günstige Softcover Ausgabe der 1. Auflage 2022 Hardcover statt 139,09 €

€ 106,99
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Preis: € 106,99