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Foundational Papers in Oculoplastics


Foundational Papers in Oculoplastics

593 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2022
204 Abbildungen

  • Compiles the most important foundational studies in oculoplastics and provides commentary and discussion
  • Details the origins that drive clinical decision-making and influence thought
  • Written for residents and fellows in oculoplastics and adjacent specialties
Modern oculofacial plastic surgery as a field is quite young, with the majority of the literature and leaders in the field developing since the 1950s. As such, the body of literature is quite small compared to other fields. Currently, there is no unified source where readers can learn about the core manuscripts that drive clinical decision-making and influence thought.

This book gathers over 50 foundational studies in the oculoplastics field and provides commentary on each study. Discussion of each study includes the abstract, in-depth commentary on the strengths, limitations, and implications of each paper, and guidance for further reading on the topic with a brief review. A short remark by an author from the paper will provide additional color commentary on the inspirations and challenges involved in conceiving and conducting the study.

Foundational Papers in Oculoplastics is relevant for anyone who is interested in oculoplastics (ophthalmologists, oncologists, plastic surgeons, etc.) and provides a nice overview of the field with interesting personal anecdotes from those who helped establish it.

Contents Overview
  • Part I. Facial Aesthetics
  • Part II. Facial Anatomy
  • Part III. Facial Dystonia
  • Part IV. Eyelid Disorders
  • Part V. Infectious Disease
  • Part VI. Inflammatory Disease
  • Part VII. Lacrimal Disorders
  • Part VIII. Oncology and Periorbital Lesions
  • Part IX. Periorbital Reconstruction
  • Part X. Thyroid Eye Disease
  • Part XI. Facial Trauma and the Anophthalmic Socket

Günstige Softcover Ausgabe der 1. Auflage 2022 Hardcover statt 160,49 €

€ 117,69
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Preis: € 117,69