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Comprehensive Textbook of Eyelid Disorders.-


Comprehensive Textbook of Eyelid Disorders.-

1024 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2023
660 Abbildungen

Thorough, up to date, and unique in the field, Comprehensive Textbook of Eyelid Disorders and Diseases, by Drs. Jonathan J. Dutton, Hatem A. Tawfik, and Alan D. Proia, offers a complete up-to-date review of the most common eyelid disorders.

In 147 chapters, the authors provide highly illustrated discussions of each condition, suitably detailed for ophthalmologists working in oculoplastics, neuro-ophthalmology, and pediatrics, as well as facial surgeons, dermatologists, and dermatopathologists.
  • Offers detailed coverage on a full range of eyelid disorders, including congenital and developmental anomalies, eyelid malpositions, benign lesions, movement disorders, aging phenomena, and malignant neoplasms
  • Presents information in an easy-to-reference, consistent format: historical background, etiology and pathogenesis, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, histopathology, known genetic relationships, treatment options, prognosis, current research, and extensive references
  • Includes introductory chapters on key topics such as evolution of the vertebrate eyelids, embryology, anatomy, basics of histopathology and terminology, clinical history and eyelid examination
  • Provides superb visual guidance in more than 800 highly-quality, full-color photographs and histopathology sections
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ca. € 242,00
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Preis: ca. € 242,00