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Manual of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine. Volume 1 - Body Contouring Procedures


Manual of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine. Volume 1 - Body Contouring Procedures
with online files

619 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2022
820 Abbildungen

  • Covers all aspects of individual surgical and non- surgical cosmetic procedures used for modern aesthetic treatments
  • Provides the latest evidence based and peer reviewed treatment options
  • Simplifies learning with the help of various treatment algorithms
The most comprehensive cosmetic plastic surgery manual on body contouring surgeries explains in detail how to undertake body contouring procedures to remove excess fat deposits and sagging skin so as to improve the shape as well as the tone of the abdomen, back, thighs and other areas of the body, resulting in a body with smoother contours and providing an appropriate shape.

It also describes the latest procedures including high definition and fine definition liposuction with the use of various technologies and body contouring after massive weight loss. It also contains chapters on important procedures of fat grafting along with live stem cells, and how they can only be harvested from the fat during liposuction.

This surgical manual discusses all possible body contouring procedures in a step by step "How To" manner so as to help the novice Cosmetic Surgeon's as well as seasoned and experienced Surgeon's alike. The risks, complications along with pearls are discussed along with individual procedures with a series of step-by-step photographs and pre and post images and short video clips.

This Manual in Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine sets the standard for doctors entering the field of aesthetic surgery and medicine. It is a reference book for people who are in practice as well as a step-by-step manual for students and young doctors wanting to pursue this field.

The other volumes are on:
  • Nose procedures
  • Genital procedures
  • Non-Invasive procedures
  • Breast reshaping
  • Cosmetic procedures of the face

    Contents Overview
    • Introduction to Body Contouring
    • Lipo-contouring
    • Hi-Definition Body Contouring
    • Use of Technology for Lipo-contouring
    • Abdominoplasty
    • Body Contouring After Massive Weight Loss
    • Gluteal Contouring
    • Miscellaneous

  • Günstige Softcover Ausgabe der 1. Auflage 2022 Hardcover statt 213,99 €

    € 149,79
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    Preis: € 149,79