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Soft Tissue Injuries of the Head and Neck.-


Soft Tissue Injuries of the Head and Neck.-

189 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2023
126 Abbildungen

  • Collects updated knowledge on the treatment of scalp, facial and neck soft tissue trauma and burns
  • Offers vivid illustrations as well as current references
  • Explores a systematic approach to the management of soft tissue trauma
This book provides a vividly illustrated description of a wide range of soft tissue injuries of the head and neck and their treatment, which forms part of the workload of both Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Cranio -Maxillofacial Surgery.

Other medical and surgical disciplines are also involved, though to a lesser extent. It clarifies many topics, including the general principles of wound management, the treatment of various soft tissue injuries, burns, and wound healing disturbances.

This book is intended for interns, residents and fellows of Plastic Surgery and Maxillofacial Surgery as well as surgeons and physicians of other disciplines dealing with soft tissue trauma of the head and neck. It may also prove useful to theatre and A & E nurses as well as medical students with interests in head and neck traumatology.

Table of Contents
  • Importance of Normal and Scarred Facial Appearance
  • Epidemiology of Soft-Tissue Injuries of the Head and Neck
  • General Principles of Wound Management
  • Injuries of the Scalp, Forehead, and Eyebrow
  • Injuries of the Eyelids, Canaliculi, and Canthi
  • Injuries of the Nose
  • Injuries of the Cheek
  • Injuries of the Lips
  • Injuries of the Ears
  • Injuries of the Neck
  • Burns of the Scalp, Face, and Neck
  • Wound Healing Disturbances: The Unfavorable Result

Günstige Softcover Ausgabe der 1. Auflage 2023 Hardcover statt 160,49 €

€ 117,69
versandkostenfrei - in acht bis zehn Werktagen lieferbar Anzahl:
Preis: € 117,69