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Perineal Reconstruction. Principles and Practice.-


Perineal Reconstruction. Principles and Practice.-
with online files

219 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2023
168 Abbildungen

  • Provides a comprehensive overview of all available techniques for complex perineal reconstruction
  • Employs a multi-disciplinary approach including allied specialties
  • Highlights important perioperative aspects of patient recovery
This book presents a comprehensive overview of all available surgical techniques for complex perineal reconstruction.

Divided into 17 chapters and employing a multi-disciplinary approach, it provides valuable insights into the re- sectional aspects of this field, considerations in multiple organ removal (bladder, anus/colon, stomach), and the inclusion of radiology in preoperative planning for complex reconstructions, as well as anaesthetic aspects in perioperative patient care. Written by leading experts in the field, the respective chapters offer step-by-step descriptions of all available reconstructive options and detailed information on perineal and pelvic defects, together with valuable insights into surgical execution, indications, and common complications and pitfalls encountered when dealing with this challenging defect.

Given its breadth of coverage, the book provides a practical and comprehensive guide for Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, and for surgeons of allied specialties involved in re-sectional aspects of perineal and pelvic surgery.

Table of Contents
  • Surgical Anatomy and Pathology of Perineal Area
  • Perineal Defects: A Colorectal Surgeon’s Perspective
  • Perineal Reconstruction in Gynecological Oncology: Indications and Insights
  • Urological Aspects of Perineal Surgery and Reconstruction
  • Radiotherapy of Perineal and Pelvic Malignancies
  • Classification of Perineal Defects
  • Anesthetic Considerations for Perineal Reconstructive Surgery
  • Lotus Petal and V-Y Advancement Flaps
  • Gracilis Flap
  • Profunda Artery Perforator Flap for Perineal Reconstruction
  • Anterolateral Thigh Perforator Flap
  • Abdominal Flaps
  • Pudendal Artery Perforator Flap and Other Reconstructive Options in Perineal–Pelvic Reconstruction
  • Omental Flap
  • Infantile Hemangiomas of the Perineal Area
  • Use of Lasers in Perineal Area
  • Complications Following Perineal Surgery and Perineal Reconstruction
  • Surgical Management of Lower Limb Lymphedema After Pelvic/Perineal Resections
  • New Frontiers in Perineal Reconstruction

Günstige Softcover Ausgabe der 1. Auflage 2023 Hardcover statt 149,79 €

€ 106,99
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