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A Review on Recent Echocardiographic Software.-


A Review on Recent Echocardiographic Software.-
Advancing the Field through the Emerging Science

142 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2023
140 Abbildungen

  • Provides easy-to-understand descriptions of echocardiographic software with different echocardiography machines
  • Explains how to exploit benefits of software in diagnosis and treatment
  • Highlights links between cardiology and basic sciences
This book provides simplified, easy-to-understand descriptions of the echocardiographic software used in conjunction with different echocardiography machines, such as those from Toshiba, Philips, GE, and Siemens, and explains how these sophisticated systems can best be used to exploit fully their ability to deliver more precise diagnoses and assist in treatment choice and follow-up. A variety of applications are covered, with presentation of algorithms and highlighting of tips and tricks.

The emphasis is on the most recent advances in software and emerging benefits. In addition to its clinical relevance, the book highlights relevant links between cardiology and the basic sciences and should assist in promoting future novel research that will further advance the field. It will be of value for cardiologists, other interested clinicians, those pursuing fellowships in echocardiography, and sonographers; it will also be highly relevant for biomedical engineers, biomathematicians, computer scientists, and researchers in medical physics.

Table of Contents
  • 1. Studying the deformation of left ventricular myocardium based on different techniques regarding to the echocardiography
  • 2. Left ventricular modeling as a polygon
  • 3. Considering the torsion calculation of left ventricular muscle by Speckle Tracking in echocardiography
  • 4. Motion analysis of left ventricular inner-wall
  • 5. Generalized strain components of the left ventricular myocardium
  • 6. Mathematical techniques to assess left ventricular myocardial forces based on echocardiography
  • 7. Left ventricular fiber arrangements and orientations
  • 8. Left ventricular myocardial force vectors- Mathematical work lab
  • 9. Laganjian mechanic of the left ventricle
  • 10. Dynamic features creating (which cause) the blood direction inside the left ventricle
  • 11. A novel quantitative indicator of the left ventricular contraction based on volume changes of the left ventricular myocardial segments
  • 12. Different Mathematical Techniques to Measure Left Ventricular 2D Deformations: Strain Imaging
  • 13. Bernoulli Equation in the Mitral Valve of Heart
  • 14. Discovery and the development of the mathematical solution for patient-specific human heart modelling based on echocardiographic imaging

Günstige Softcover Ausgabe der 1. Auflage 2023 Hardcover statt 139,09 €

€ 96,29
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Preis: € 96,29