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Pearls and Pitfalls in Skin Ulcer Management.-

MARUCCIA/ PAPA/ RICCI/ GIUDICE --- Neuerscheinung!!

Pearls and Pitfalls in Skin Ulcer Management.-

684 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2024
224 Abbildungen

  • Written in a clear style and edited by multidisciplinary experts with sound experience and teaching practice
  • Practical "how to" book with pearls and pitfalls for each chapter
  • Offers a wealth of over 300 figures, tables and expressly drawn illustrations, to support the reader
Thought as a primary reference on cutaneous ulcer management, written in a clear style by multidisciplinary experts and carefully edited and crafted, this volume covers of the complex topic of Wound Care, highlighting Pearls and Pitfalls in Skin Ulcer Management: from anatomy, epidemiology, pathogenesis and prevention, to diagnosis and selection of the best treatment options.

This book also offers practical "how to do" advice and includes sections on cleaning and dressing, Negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT), the latest on dermal substitutes, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Minimal Invasive Modality (MIMo) in burns. Specific parts illustrate how to assess a clinical wound measurement, and the role played by imaging and telemedicine. The section on infection ranges from diagnosis and classification to drug treatments, diabetic foot management and osteomyelitis. Specific chapters focus on surgical intervention, ranging from grafting and micrografting, to surgical debridement, different reconstructive options and lower limb ulcers. The final part offers additional knowledge, as for example wound and scars in aesthetic surgery, in advanced illnesses or recurrence, pain management, rehabilitation and posture restoration.

While moving from plastic surgery, this truly interdisciplinary and richly illustrated volume spans over many disciplines, and will be highly valued by all specialists that face ulcer wound care in their clinical experience, from plastic and vascular surgeons to other wound specialists and related health professionals, as physiotherapists and nurses.

Written in a clear style and in an easy-to-read format, this volume will also be of use for courses and university masters teaching how to manage this complex pathology.

Contents Overview
  • Introduction to Wound Care, Cleasing, Antiseptic and Local Treatment
  • Dressing and Bandages
  • Instrumental Treatments in Wounds
  • Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Bioingeneering
  • Measurement and Documentation
  • Infection in Wound Care
  • Plastic Surgery: When and How
  • Ulcer Management Further Issues

Günstige Softcover Ausgabe der 1. Auflage 2024 Hardcover statt 246,09 €

€ 181,89
versandkostenfrei - in acht bis zehn Werktagen lieferbar Anzahl:
Preis: € 181,89