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Neck Rejuvenation.-

SLAVIN / LIN --- Neuerscheinung!!

Neck Rejuvenation.-
Surgical and Non-Surgical Techniques

208 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2024
289 Abbildungen

Neck rejuvenation techniques

This textbook provides essential guidance to achieve successful rejuvenation of the neck and its supporting structures, including anatomical knowledge, solid comprehension of the aesthetic principles of the neck, mastery of surgical and nonsurgical approaches, and an understanding of patient goals.

Key Features
  • Cutting-edge procedures used by leaders in plastic surgery, facial plastic surgery, and dermatology
  • Nonsurgical solutions tailored to address each patient’s unique issues, including cosmeceuticals, lasers and energy-based devices, neuromodulators, dermal fillers, deoxycholic acid, and cryolipolysis
  • Complication prevention/management strategies for hematoma, skin necrosis, infection, nerve injury, dystonia, and scars
  • Advanced treatments for neck rejuvenation demonstrated in 13 videos
This unique resource provides seasoned and trainee aesthetic surgeons with the foundation to personalize surgical and nonsurgical approaches, thereby enhancing the ability to deliver optimal results while minimizing complications.

This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

Table of Contents
  • 1: Neck Anatomy
  • 2: History of Neck Rejuvenation
  • 3: Management of the Aging Neck
  • 4: The Use of Platysma Window for Neck Contouring
  • 5: Triple Suture for Neck Contouring
  • 6: Surgical Approach to Neck Rejuvenation
  • 7: Deep Plane Neck Lift Concepts and Technique
  • 8: Lateral Skin Platysma Displacement (LSD) Technique
  • 9: Subplatysmal Techniques for Treatment of the Aging Neck
  • 10: Neck Lift After Massive Weight Loss
  • 11: The Use of Radiofrequency for Facial Rejuvenation
  • 12: Neck Lift and Fat Grafting to the Neck
  • 13: Neck Rejuvenation: Non-Invasive Techniques
  • 14: Revisional and Secondary Neck Lifts
  • 15: Neck Rejuvenation: Complications

€ 220,00
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Preis: € 220,00