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Correction Techniques for Spinal Deformity.-

ZILELI / YAMAN /AEBI --- Neuerscheinung!!

Correction Techniques for Spinal Deformity.-

316 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2024
26 Tabellen div. Abbildungen

Correction Techniques for Spinal Deformity explains all maneuvers of deformity correction, different osteotomy types, and tips and tricks behind the surgeries.

It contains detailed illustrations depicting complex maneuvers to facilitate the readers' understanding. The book has six main divisions:

(1) techniques for cervical spinal deformity correction
(2) techniques for congenital spinal deformity correction
(3) spinal osteotomy techniques
(4) sagittal plane correction techniques
(5) coronal plane correction techniques
(6) special topics.

Special features:
  • A total of 40 chapters written by world-renowned authors have created this masterpiece of a spinal deformity book.
  • Complex deformity correction techniques have been explained step-wise using many illustrations.
  • Key points of each method have been discussed by experts on the topic.
  • Crucial topics such as electrophysiologic monitoring, complication avoidance, minimally invasive surgery, lateral access surgery, and dynamic stabilization are covered.
This print book includes complimentary access to a digital copy

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€ 129,99
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Preis: € 129,99