- Covers all aspects of skin diseases in females
- Provides latest evidence-based approach in diagnosis and management of skin diseases in females
- Supplements text with easy-to-follow charts, ample illustrations, tables, figures and key points in each chapter
This book covers dermatological and related esthetic concerns specific to female patients.
Since knowing what’s normal is as important as knowing what’s not, first chapters covers physiological differences in the skin of women and the changes during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Certain commonly encountered dermatoses are more frequent in females – chronic telogen effluvium, rosacea, perioral dermatitis, pigmented contact (cosmetic) dermatitis, etc., which are explained in a more focused manner.
Dermatoses exclusive to females involving the vulva is discussed at length. These include common papulosquamous conditions such as psoriasis, lichen planus, and lichen sclerosus as well as the uncommon but challenging plasma cell vulvitis. Breast dermatoses also are predominantly encountered in women and are described in detail in this book. Importantly, the safety of drugs and biologics in pregnancy and lactation have been covered too.
One section is dedicated to the emotional and psychological burden of skin disease in women and certain disorders requiring psychiatric intervention such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (trichotillomania, trichotemnomania) and body dysmorphic disorder. Furthermore, commonly used cosmeceuticals and frequently performed esthetic procedures such as chemical peels, botulinum toxin, and soft tissue augmentation (fillers) are well explained.
Skin diseases in females can cause a significant emotional and psychological impact that can sometimes be more serious than the physical impact. There is a paucity of comprehensive published literature in both journal and books and this book aims to fill that gap. This book is meant as a resource for dermatology residents and trainees, practitioners, and teachers.