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Echocardiographic Evaluation of Patients with Implanted Devices.-

TOADER --- Neuerscheinung!!

Echocardiographic Evaluation of Patients with Implanted Devices.-

163 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2024
120 Abbildungen

  • Describes the echocardiographic follow-up of the patients with implanted devices
  • Details echocardiographic quantification of complex valve disease in patients with implanted devices
  • Reviews complex chamber echocardiographic quantification of the patients with implanted devices
This book describes the always-challenging echocardiographic evaluation of patients with a pacemaker, defibrillator or resynchronization device.

With no defined set of guidelines to orient clinicians about the appropriate evaluation of patients with implanted devices, this book describes the management and evaluation of patients with often highly complex clinical profiles.

Echocardiographic Evaluation of Patients with Implanted Devices reviews chamber quantification, systolic and diastolic function evaluation, analysis of wall motion abnormalities, description and review of mitral apparatus and mitral regurgitation, tricuspid apparatus and tricuspid regurgitation, and the evaluation of echocardiographic parameters after cardiac resynchronization therapy. Also included are extensive sections on the complications of the process and how to identify these at the earliest stage.

It is a critical resource for cardiologists, sonographers and interventional cardiologists, and all involved in the management of these patients.

Table of Contents
  • General Description of Types and Modes of Pacing
  • Left Ventricle Systolic Function Evaluation in Patients with Implanted Devices
  • Left Ventricle Diastolic Function Evaluation in Patients with Implanted Devices
  • Lead Position Evaluation in Patients with Implanted Devices
  • Right Ventricle Function Evaluation in Patients with Implanted Devices
  • Mitral Regurgitation Echocardiographic Evaluation in Patients with Implanted Devices
  • Tricuspid Valve Evaluation in Patients with Implanted Devices
  • Echocardiographic Follow-Up the Patients with Implanted Devices
  • Echocardiography-Guided Optimization of Atrioventricular and Interventricular Delay in Patients with Implanted Devices
  • Echocardiographic Evaluation of Complications after Intracardiac Devices Implantation

€ 117,69
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Preis: € 117,69