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Pediatric Holter Monitoring.-

CISMARU / CAINAP / LAZEA --- Neuerscheinung!!

Pediatric Holter Monitoring.-
A Case-based Approach

424 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2025
627 Abbildungen

  • Provides useful indications for analyzing Holter ECG data in children of different ages
  • The cases described reflect the most frequently encountered pediatric arrhythmias
  • Specifically written for pediatric cardiologists
Clinicians have a variety of diagnostic methods available for evaluating a child with an arrhythmia.

The ECG and Holter ECG remain the cornerstones for a good diagnostic and a correct management. Many pediatric cardiologists have some experience in Holter ECG interpretation, but many are still uncertain about their ability to recognize normal variants and pathological rhythms.

This book is written specifically for pediatric cardiologists and provides a short and practical review of the issue. Following a brief introduction of the theoretical basis of the Holter ECG, the chapters give a systematic method to interpretation of ECG signals. Several print screens from the different softwares are included to assist users in more confidently diagnosing arrhythmias.

The book's second part provides a comprehensive collection of real-life cases and Holter ECG tracings in an easy-to-use manner. The cases cover the most common arrhythmias seen in pediatrics and will assist build the skills needed to analyse the Holter ECG quickly and effectively in both infants and older children.

Table of Contents

Part I : Background.- 1. A brief history of Holter monitoring.- 2. Technical principles of Holter monitoring.- 3. Arrhythmia detection and interpretation.- 4. Artifacts.- 5. Indications for Holter ECG Monitoring.- 6. Poincare Graphs.- Part II : Clinical Cases.- 7. Case 1 : Sinus bradycardia in a football player.- 8. Case 2 : Energy Drink Induced Ventricular Tachycardia.- 9. Case 3 : Low atrial rhythm in a 8 year-old girl.- 10. Case 4 : High-burden PVC mimicking preexcitation pattern in a newborn.- 11. Case 5 : Paced rhythm in a 12-year old girl.- 12. Case 6 : Focal atrial tachycardia in a neonate.- 13. Case 7 : How to differentiate between paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia and sinus tachycardia ?.- 14. Case 8 : Short QT syndrome with Syncope.- 15. Case 9 : A 2-month-old infant with recurrent episodes of tachycardia.- 16. Case 10 : An 8-year-old football player with asymptomatic WPW pattern.- 17. Case 11 : Low atrial rhythm in a 9 year-old girl.- 18. Case 12 : Asymptomatic WPW syndrome in a 16 year old competitive football player.- 19. Case 13 : WPW syndrome with PSVT episodes in COVID pandemics.- 20. Case 14 : Two accesory pathways revealed by one Holter ECG.- 21. Case 15 : Paced rhythm in a 2-year old boy.- 22. Case 16 : Paroxysmal supraventricular tachcyardia with right bundle branch block aberrancy.- 23. Case 17 : A 8-month-old girl with recurrent episodes of fascicular ventricular tachycardia.- 24. Case 18 : Low risk accessory pathway in a 18-year-old male football player.- 25. Case 19 : A 12-month-old boy with Prader-Willi syndrome is experiencing sinus tachycardia.- 26. Case 20 : Blocked premature atrial contractions in a neonate.- 27. Case 21 : Postero-septal accessory pathway in a 10-year old girl.- 28. Case 22 : Paroxysmal supraventricular tachcyardia with left bundle branch block aberrancy.- 29. Case 23 : Low risk accessory pathway in a 6-year old boy.- 30. Case 24 : Fascicular premature ventricular contractions and nonsustained VT in a neonate.- 31. Case 25 : Premature ventricular contractions and fusion beats in a neonate.- 32. Case 26 : Ventricular premature contractions in a neonate.- 33. Case 27 : Blocked premature atrial contractions in a neonate.- 34. Case 28 : Focal atrial tachycardia with tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy.- 35. Case 29 : Idiopathic neonatal atrial flutter.- 36. Case 30 : The type of spontaneous termination of Focal atrial tachycardia.

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