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Applied Lymphology

CORNELY / MARSCH / BRENNER --- Neuerscheinung!!

Applied Lymphology
Basics | Daily practice | Perspectives

ca.734 Seiten, 1. Auflage, 2025
499 Abbildungen

Lymphological diseases are common, but diagnosis and treatment are often difficult.

In everyday clinical practice, insufficient attention has usually been paid to such diseases, partly because curative treatments have been lacking until now. The development of new diagnostic and surgical therapeutic procedures makes it possible to achieve a cure for some patients and spare them decades of symptomatic therapy.

Editors, authors and the two commentators, Peter S. Mortimer and Christian Schuchhardt, present relevant lymphological principles and clinical pictures, including rare diseases. This guide to everyday lymphological practice, a "Vademecum Lymphologicum", is aimed equally at "novices and adepts".

It is focussed on the practical implementation of diagnosis as well as patient consultation and care: Basics of lymphology, "From symptom to diagnosis", comprehensive clinic from a fundamental and specialised perspective, conservative and surgical therapy, social medicine, assessment as well as advice on therapy support through sport and nutrition for lymph patients are concluded with an outlook into the scientific future of lymphology. Each article opens with a "tip from the editors" and ends with "What is important to know about lymphology?".

The book is aimed at medical and non-medical professionals who see and treat patients with lymphological conditions.

auch in deutscher Sprache lieferbar 99,99 €

ca. € 213,99
versandkostenfrei - Bestellen Sie jetzt, Erscheint voraussichtlich im Mai 2025 Anzahl:
Preis: ca. € 213,99